Edus - Ancient Kingdoms The Sixth Age of Edus.

8327 - Year of the Cracked Hourglass

Created by

Editorial Team

This is the Sixth Age of Edus.

Ancient civilizations, forgotten magical kingdoms, and long dead gods coming back to life. This is Edus. The world of man, encroaching upon the wilds of the unknown wilderness. Not unknown, but forgotten from Ages past. Where once was cultivated lands of man, are now overgrown forests of dark dangers and creatures foul and benign.

This is the Hard Reboot of my AD&D campaign world, Edus. Ancient Kingdoms is the title where I plan on having multiple continents, Edus being the main attraction. Edus has had 5 previous iterations. When a chapter of my life closes, a new chapter begins, I will destroy Edus and attempt to rebuild it. But as the book says: All things forgotten do not always stay that way. History from the previous Ages is still canon. Actions that players have taken in the Second Age, are part of my natural history in the tomes and scrolls of Sages of this Age.

My campaign world is created by me, but molded and changed by my players. My world is not just my own, but each footprint a player's character makes on Edus changes the world permanently. If you sack a fort, and destroy it, it stays destroyed (until someone claims it, or monsters infest it and remake it.) If a character kills a king, this isn't wiped away and I do NOT "reset my campaign" each new game. That king will be dead in every campaign after, and the characters will live in infamy in the history books.

My world is living. I am always editing and adding to it, as are characters from my players, with each adventure. Every session of AD&D played on my world, adds or changes the world of Edus.
Welcome to the Living World of Edus, The Ancient Kingdoms.

To understand the nomenclature:
"Greyhawk, is Oerth."
"Forgotten Realms, is Toril."
"Ancient Kingdoms, is Edus."
Got it? Now come play.

The Year currently is 8326RO. RO is "Recognition of O'Hl."
We are in the Age of Fortune, or 326AF.